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Theme #1: Identity  Identity: Identity is the term used to describe how a person views themselves overall, examples being nationality, religion and even traditions or habits can define ones identity. These things can change how a person acts entirely.

In chapter 12, Do speaks of his first trip back to Vietnam after escaping the war zone at such a young age. This country heavily impacted who he is today, with his family constantly speaking of it and how his life was actually saved all relate back to his identity. He identifies as an Australian but still views his Vietnamese inheritance just as important.

Even today, millions of people are experiencing the same hardship that Do’s family experienced: secretly buying a terrible boat and deciding to risk their lives to escape subjugation and execution from their countries government, then facing famine and death out on the sea and finally arriving in a safe haven such as Australia. Instead they are now being pushed back out there to fend for themselves, this theme of identity relates to these happenings because the hardship these people face makes them either stronger or weaker and can drastically change their views on the world and the people in it.

“Mum had always wanted to show us where we all came from.” “Here I was in Vietnam...and I wanted to get around like a local.” “If my family hadn’t embarked on that trip… I could’ve (been) selling trinkets at a temple.”

Theme #2: Home Home: Is a building or place where a person lives and spends their lives there, home can even reach the level of being with a person or sitting in a particular place in a park. The sense of home can even be viewed as an emotion that bleeds content and joy.

In chapter 12, Do experiences just how different his home could’ve been if his family had decided not to risk their lives and stay in Vietnam. He has numerous epiphanies which are centred on how he would’ve lived and how he’d never know or see the things he has seen today.

Everybody deserves a home and even if you may be experiencing the worst of luck, there is one place you know that will always have its door (literally and metaphorically) open for you. Home can bring along the feeling of independence if you provide for yourself, can be a part of your identity and can even make you feel your happiest. Some people are still searching for their homes, whether it is on a rickety boat out at sea or a poor person trying to salvage any money. Everyone has a home.

“We’ve got nothing to worry about in Australia. Nothing to worry about at all.” “The smells were familiar and they triggered strong feelings and sensations.”

Theme #3: Survival Survival: Is the act of being able to withstand hardship and/or stress to achieve a goal or to survive an experience.

In chapter 12, Do’s mother realises for the first time in many years how far her survival and willpower have gotten her. Escaping Vietnam with the worst chances of living, having too many jobs and children to care for, her husband disappearing one night and finally being strong enough for herself has made his mother strong. Now, she is able to grant herself thanks when she visits Vietnam. Do’s father also experiences a survival problem throughout this chapter.

People go through numerous problems in their lives, whether it is extreme as heading out on a boat in the hopes of leading a new life or going through job problems, each experience shapes people to who they are now and grants them more power to push forward. Survival is even linked biologically to humans through our flight or fights response or even to our desperation to escape something or change it entirely. The act of survival can make or break an individual.

“This trip was a walking, living vindication of all Mum’s effort.” “’I’m clean Anh,” he said… ‘Doctor says I’m clean.”


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